1. a better brain
2. more amigos
3. no addings, or replacements
3. i mean the 'replacements'
4. skill on japanese
5. another place to live in
6. amnesia
this is just another pointless entry, thank you.
merry christmas and happy new year.

okay hello (´ ∀ `) lazy me here. and this is now my favorite smiley (´ ∀ `)
because it represents me.
i just read ueda’s NEET MAN ‘s translation. and realized i AM lazy. i am super lazy there are no one
no one can beat my laziness. even patrick star~ (´ ∀ `)
ooh nothing. nothing. here is KAT-TUN - CHANGE UR WORLD PV Preview
ah johnny have take it back na. but it’s so awesome please see
ah uepi.. so cute.
junno’s hair is.. erm.. LOV! JUNNO I LOVE YOU JUNNO
*don’t mind me i’m just so crazy over KT but i’m a passive fan
like, i’m so late and i didn’t even talk in forums. oh boo me
i am so lazy na so lazy so lazy~ (´ ∀ `)
this one is hey say jump’s new single~! wait for the PV na wait wait wait. i’m sure it’ll be awesome
and oh yamachii(HIKKA) would sing this in tomorrow’s school kakumei oyey. i can’t wait to hear chinen’s
O IM A HAPPY FOX (´ ∀ `) ahahaahahany~
oh and they say salamat po and xie xie gracias and the others
kat-tun.. why are you so westernn (^W^)/ i’m here in asia, and im proud oho kbye
so many things happened. it's almost scary. and i don't know if i should be happy or not. ok oh well, you know maybe i'm the laziest girl on earth. no really.
i shouldn't, attend college.
look, i have many unfinished assignments
oh if only i can turn on the autobot mode.
well! i'm here watching orthos no inu (the dog of orthos)
i haven't seen nishikido ryo since one litre of tears. he's cute na :D
HIKARU's SO CUTE THERE! HA HA HA- o, zannen desu ne?
i can't post piccy. what a lame net.
oh well check here! ==> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthros_no_Inu
The Mecha Neko
ただいま。 i am a cat-freak!
京 from Dir en Grey

he's so cute na *runs*
The Mecha Neko

- Marszha Deborah
- yellow. mars here- yep, i've deleted the Z don't leave yet. let's have a cup of tea! a verry merry unbirthday to you! i'm so into japanese now.. so minor english now. gomen!
street spirit by radiohead
About Me

- Marszha Deborah
- yellow. mars here- yep, i've deleted the Z don't leave yet. let's have a cup of tea! a verry merry unbirthday to you! i'm so into japanese now.. so minor english now. gomen!